
Where there is no vision the people perish – Proverbs 28:19

End Time Apostolic Ministries

Vision for Africa of the Global fellowship was birthed more than 29 years ago through prayer and extensive travels to Africa by Evangelist Cornelius Abodunrin. Its purpose is to affirm that the Almighty God, the Yahweh of the Old Testament, is the same God that manifested in the flesh in the New Testament. God took a name by which He was called among men, the name Yeshua (Jesus) – Jehovah is salvation:  John 1:14, 1 Timothy 3:16
Also, by this precious and only saving name of Christ (Messiah) the true Christian, the body of Christ are called into unity of Faith, Spirit and purpose in true fellowship.

Global fellowship has seen tremendous growth and divine miracles in African continents, Europe, North and Central America. Many people have been transformed by turning their lives completely over to God and seeking to experience true joy that can only be found in Jesus Christ.


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