1. The vision about Jesus Christ and his Church....makes mention that His name is exalted ... (Isaiah 12:4)
2. The gathering together; and the fellowship of the born again in Christ as they await His second coming... “That he might prevent it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle” (Ephesians 5:27)
1. To proclaim, profess and affirm the unity of the Spirit and faith (doctrine of the apostles and prophets)
2. To enlighten the believer in Christ that the Church of Christ (body of Christ) is one: (Eph 2:20) with many members in the body; but these members are not distinct churches or denominations, but true believers in Christ Jesus.
a) All true born again Christians must worship God in the spirit and truth (John 4:24)
b) All true born again believers must have fellowship with one another
(If we walk in the light, as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another. John 1:7)
3. To strengthen the need for church fellowship and relationship with one another in the unity of the spirit and faith (doctrines)